Facebook Live to You Tube – Short Instructions

There are a number of websites and videos that explain the somewhat laborious process of transferring a Facebook Live video to YouTube, but all the ones I’ve seen require scrolling through multiple web pages or listening to a 3-4 minute YouTube video.  So I’ve distilled the steps down to a simple list:

  1. Go to Facebook and your live video
  2. Right click on the video and choose “Show Video URL”
  3. Copy link (example: https://www.facebook.com/kerryokerry/videos/10153991924976656/?l=5598711933922950882)
  4. Paste link into a new browser window
  5. Change the “www.” at the beginning of the link to “m.”, so the above example would become https://m.facebook.com/kerryokerry/videos/10153991924976656/?l=5598711933922950882
  6. Press play and stop the video (this is important)
  7. Right click and choose “Save video as” – save to hard drive
  8. Upload as usual to YouTube.

Did it work?  Let me know.



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